The Blue Ribbon Award is a prestigious national honor given to only the very best schools. We were honored to be chosen as one of fourteen Ohio schools to be nationally recognized.
Many types of schools can be chosen to receive this award. Public and non-public schools, elementary, middle and high schools. This includes charter, magnet, choice and schools with religious affiliations.

Along with winning this award back in 2010, the designation of the award is for life. Our district has won this award five times; the high school has won this award twice, and the Intermediate School has won this once.
Building Principal Laila Discenza is excited about how this award will impact CFMS: “It is a testament to the work ethic of students and staff. To receive this award the school has to provide evidence. Key strategies and most influential practices that have encouraged and challenged all students to develop their full potential academically, emotionally, physically, socially, and culturally. Creative or innovative techniques/programs that contribute to our unique character; academic, social-emotional, and cultural. All practices, programs, instruction and curriculum for each content. Differentiation and supporting growth for all levels of students. Strategies found most successful in working with family and community members for student success and school improvement. School environments where teachers feel valued and supported-Professional Development. Leadership philosophy and structure in the school, along with the roles of the principal,” Discenza went on, “I think that it shows that we are aligned and doing what’s best for students and staff. That has to make everyone feel good that they are in an environment where the matter and that decisions are thoughtful so that everyone has a great experience. Hopefully everyone knows and feels that they are valued.”

Students had a chance to celebrate the award with cupcakes on Monday on the day of the announcement and on Friday with time to connect and enjoy popsicles provided by the PTO. Eighth-grader Lucas Guddy serves on the Principal Advisory Committee, and he said, “Being a part of PAC, I am very thankful that our hard work and dedication has been recognized.”

Science teacher Ms. Tammy Mrofchak, believes that this award will positively impact our school: “Chagrin Falls Middle School is an amazing school that will continue to be amazing in the future because of the incredible students and teachers who grace the halls at CFMS each day. The future of our middle school is in good hands, with an inspirational leader in Mrs. Discenza and a staff who is passionate about what they teach and who are dedicated to inspire and motivate students each day. Teachers and staff at CFMS facilitate the learning and mastery of the standards, accelerate students academically and teach life lessons and skills that are invaluable as they mature and advance to becoming responsible high school students and young adults. The middle school teachers at CFMS prepare students for higher education and provide them with a toolbox of knowledge and skills to be productive and successful in whatever academic endeavor they encounter.”
gia caccamo • Nov 19, 2024 at 5:59 pm
lovely work go tigers!