Sophie Igoe is a photographer for CFMS. Sophie has been going to Chagrin since 1st grade. This year she is in 7th grade. She loves to take pictures, hang out with friends, and go shopping. Sophie’s favorite sports to play are lacrosse and basketball. One of Sophie’s favorite hobbies is photography. Her favorite subject in school is math. Sophie is a part of GAC and is very excited to be in the newspaper club.
Arden Nelson is a photographer for the CFMS newspaper. Arden would love to dive deeper into photography and learn how to take better photos. Arden enjoys sports such as Soccer, Mogul skiing, and Lacrosse. She also enjoys art, baking, traveling, fall/halloween, and pugs. Her favorite class is art exploration because she can explore the different types of art and try new things and she is in 7th grade this year. Arden would love to pursue photography and take awesome pictures.
Gabe Miller has gone to school at Chagrin Falls for all of his life and has wanted to take pictures for the school for quite some time now. Gabe is a scuba diver and used to play baseball. He likes to go to games and take pictures so he thinks this will be a good thing for him. He is 12 years old and soon to be 13 years old. Gabe loves to take pictures and post so this will be so fun. Gabe has lived in Ohio for all of his life and loves to cook, bake and scuba dive. Gabe also has a brother in 5th grade and a mom and dad, two dogs, and a cat at home.