The newest Kindness Elf
On December 19, 2019, a new Kindness Elf on the Shelf was introduced. This year Mr. Chris Dobeck was voted to be the new Kindness Elf for Chagrin Falls Middle School.
Students participated in the election of the teacher by purchasing tickets and putting them in bags with the teachers’ faces on them. This tradition started to honor a middle school student by the name of Colin Sheetz who passed away in 2017.
The money raised by the students was given to the Providence House. The Providence House is dedicated to preventing child abuse and preserving families. The total amount of money raised this year was $149.42. It is good to know that we continue a tradition in honor of this student every year. Mr. Geoff Brown and Mr. Paul Perrine won the title of Kindness Elf in previous years.
Lindsay Schumacher is joining the newspaper as a staff member. She is interested in photography and writing. She runs on the cross country and track...
Hollie Markham is an eighth grader at CFMS who will serve as a photographer for Tiger Tales. In 6th grade, Markham took a photography class. She likes...